My Writing

Some tales from my past, some weird ideas, some stories which just pop into my head.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A Fishy Story

Ouch!  I bumped my nose again!  I wish I knew what that hard stuff at the edge of my tank is.  I know it isn’t water.  I can move around in water.  The BillFrog says it isn’t air either.  Gosh, I’m sorry!  I began to talk to you without introducing myself.  I’m a fish.  I bet you’ve never talked to a fish before.  You probably don’t think we fish can talk.  Well, I can talk, but not to you, although I would really like to do so.  My name is Beed-Ubbl-You.  I’m a fish.  I live in Kisstrinas fish tank.  Some people call me a Dalmatian Fish, but I know that is wrong.  Why?  Because Dalmatians are dogs, silly.  Everyone knows that. 


So, anyway, I’m a fish.  Like I said my name is Beed-Ubbl-You.  That is a long name and hard to pronounce.  It will be alright if you just use my nickname, though.  My short name is BUU.  You can pronounce it boo.  I live in Kisstrina’s fish tank.  This is my picture.  You can see me down there at the bottom by the blackish rock if you look closely.  Kisstrina is my person.  She belongs to me.  I live here in the water with some other fish:  The blackfin family, the Orangetail twins, and a Guppy who follows me everywhere.  Oh, and there is the BillFrog too.

The BillFrog says I have my person’s name wrong; that it isn’t Kisstrina, but Kristina.  He says he knows how to pronounce it because he goes up to the air at the top of the tank—in fact that seems to be all he does all day—up and down, up and down.  He says he hears people talking and that they call her Kristina.  He might be right about it, but I don’t think so.  I’ve never heard anyone talking.  I do see Kisstrina moving her mouth sometimes.  It must be really strange to live in air as she does.  I just know I would fall right down on the ground if I tried it.  The BillFrog thinks he could walk around in air, but I think that is just a bunch of bragging, but I have to admit he does have legs instead of fins as a proper fish should have.

Oh, and you know what else the BillFrog says.  He says I’m a white fish with black spots.  He is so-o wrong.  I know for an absolute fact that I’m a black fish with white spots.  Ha!  What does a green BillFrog know about colors anyway?  He looks just like a plant.  That’s what I tell him when he begins telling me what it is like to be up in the air, and how to pronounce Kisstrinas name.  I tell him you’re just an ugly green frog.

Oh, I’ve got to go now.  Kisstrina is here to drop some food in the tank, and I don’t want to miss a chance to look up to the air above the water and see her hand as she drops in the fish food.  I have to be careful too, because sometimes the Guppy grabs the best pieces before I can get to them.

Bye for now.

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