My Writing

Some tales from my past, some weird ideas, some stories which just pop into my head.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

It's Later Than You Think

I Guess I’m Aging Rapidly

            Later this month, on the 28th, I will be 69 years old.  I don’t really feel old, unless I try to bend over and pick something up, or need to ask someone at work to help me with a heavy piece of equipment.  When I look at myself in the mirror, I see the same ruggedly handsome face that has always been there.  Somehow, though, I must have deceived myself.

            A few days ago I went to the grocery store with my daughter.  It was cold and wet as I remember.  I rode with her in her car.  When we arrived She said, “Why don’t I let you off at the door, and then go park”.  By the way, this had never happened to me before.  Often, when I drive my wife to the store, I offer to let her off at the door when the weather is inclement.  She usually declines.  I thought to myself how nice of her, and Said, “All right”.

            Now this store wasn’t Walmart, but think a moment about Walmart:  The baskets are lined up at the door, and usually there is some Old Person standing there to say Good Morning and hand you a basket.  My Brother-in-law calls them Walmart Greeters, and thinks he will apply to be one some day.  Are they paid?  I don’t know.

            The store which we went to that day, Crest Food Store, had that kind of set-up.  Usually there was someone there to hand you a basket.  I always try to be nice and say something pleasant to the person—remembering Hebrews 13:2:  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained Angels without knowing it.  On this day, however, there was no ‘greeter’.

            While waiting for my daughter, I selected a basket, and stood there waiting, looking out the door for her.  I considered walking on into the store, but decided to wait so that she would have no trouble finding me.  So, I was standing there sort of day-dreaming (you do that a lot when you get older) and sort of talking to myself (but never out loud) when this young guy, maybe 40 or 50 years of age walks up, grabs the basket, and says thank you.  Somewhat astonished, I released my grip on the basket, and he walked off into the store with his wife.

            He thought I was a ‘Greeter’!

            Another man who had been standing near, and saw what had happened really got a laugh out of it, so I chuckled a little bit too.  Later while walking down the aisles pushing another basket I saw the basket-taker again, but I don’t know whether he realized what he had done.

            So I guess the moral of this tale is:  “Enjoy Yourself, It’s Later Than You Think”.

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